Graduate Program
Dissertations & Theses
MA Theses
- Jessica Anders (Art History and Archaeology, MA, 2016)
Walk this Way: a Contextualization of the Dance of Death in New York, PML MS M. 359 - Douglass Butler (History, MA, 2016)
Non-Thesis Degree - Fr. Pachomius Meade (Art History and Archaeology, MA, 2016)
The Depiction of Smell in Fifteenth-Century Netherlandish Painting as Cultural Sense Memory and Odor-Cued Prayer Context - Rebecca Ruppar (Art History and Archaeology, MA, 2016)
The Painted Panel Crucifixes of the Early Franciscans - Joseph Genens (History, MA, 2015)
From Norwegian Invasion to Anglo-Saxon Rebellion: Forging Memories of Conquest England, c. 1066-1235 - Heather Smith (Art History and Archaeology, MA, 2015)
The Lives of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in French Stained Glass - Gretchen Stricker (Art History and Archaeology, MA, 2015)
A Climatological and Contextual Analysis of Roman Water Technologies In Cyprus - Svyatoslav Puyat (History, MA, 2015)
Late Medieval Perception of Abnormal Behavior - Hannah Witt (History, MA, 2015)
Non-Thesis Degree - Antone Pierucci (Art History and Archaeology, MA, 2014)
Death in Roman Marche, Italy: A Comparative Study of Burial Rituals - Elise Broaddus (English, MA, 2014)
Return to Sender: Epistolarity in Chaucer's Legend of Good Women - Julie Ayers (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2012)
The Torn Page: Fashioning Identity through Venetian Incunabular Ornament - Campbell Garland (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2012)
A Cypriot Hodegetria: Liturgical Sculpture and Marian Iconography - Kristen Harris (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2012)
Food and Feasts: the Use of Space in Sixteenth-Century Ancillary Paintings - Misty Mullin (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2012)
The Practice of Piety and Virtual Pilgrimage at St. Katherine’s Convent in Augsburg - Kim Nochi (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2012)
Ediciones Vigía Books in Art and Cultural History - Diamante Waters (Religious Studies, MA, 2012)
Inequality in the Rhetoric of Buddhist/Kami Relations - Elizabeth Glueck (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2011)
The Oldest Past-Time: Looking at Medieval Sexuality through the Illuminations of the Tickhill Psalter - Alexis Miller (History, MA, 2011)
The Making of a Frontier Society: Northeastern Wales between the Norman and Edwardian Conquests - Andrew Stelling (Religious Studies, MA, 2011)
We Shall See God Face to Face: Crossroads in Augustine’s Journey of the Soul - Daniel J. Menold (History, MA, 2010)
An Unintended Order: The Centrality of Character and Circumstance in the Twelfth-Century Gilbertine Communities - Katherine E. Sheffield (History, MA, 2010)
‘The Kingdom of the English is of God’: The Effects of the Norman Conquest on the Cult of the Saints in England - Autumn Dolan (History, MA, 2009)
We Have Chosen A Few Things From Among Many: The Adaptations and Suitability Of Nuns' Rules In Merovingian Gaul - Douglas Underwood (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2009)
Writing on the Walls: Late Third Century Urban Defenses in South Languedoc - Rebecca Richardson Mouser (English, MA, 2008)
‘A Silent Savior’: The Inapproachability of Christ in The Dream of the Rood - Derek Updegraff (English, MA, 2008)
‘Fore ðære mærðe mod astige’: Two New Perspectives on the Old English Gifts of Men - Nina K. Verbanaz (History, MA, 2008)
Portrayals of Women in Violent Situations in Texts of the High Middle Ages - Mark Hammond (Art History & Archaeology, MA, 2007)
Road Work Ahead: The Transformation of the Colonnaded Street in Sixth and early Seventh Century Palestine and Arabia - Rebecca L. Swaters (History, MA, 2007)
Exchange And Settlement Patterns as Evidence for Social Stratification and Developing Complexity in Prehistoric and Early Christian Ireland

- Katherine E. Sheffield (History, PhD, 2016)
Longing in Vain to Climb into the Ducal Bed: Gossip and Rumor in Orderic Vitalis’ Ecclesiastical History - Patrick Lane (English, PhD, 2016)
Medieval Death Trip - Chad Denton (History, PhD, 2015)
The Enlightened and Depraved: Decadence, Radicalism, and the Early Modern French Nobility - Autumn Dolan (History, PhD, 2015)
‘Once Mistress of the World’: Rome, St. Peter and Female Devotion In the Early Middle Ages - Mark Hammond (Art History and Archaeology, PhD, 2015)
Late Roman Ceramics from the Panayia Field, Corinth (late 4th-7th century) - Nina Verbanaz (History, PhD, 2014)
‘Per dilectam coniugem et regnorum consortem’: Empresses’ Roles in Building the Salian Dynasty, 1024-1125 - Rebecca Richardson Mouser (English, medieval, PhD, 2013)
Oral Tradition, Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry and the Fourteenth Century: ‘Reading’ the Oral in the Alliterative Morte D’arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Derek Updegraff (English, medieval, PhD, 2013)
Style and Structure, Politics and Preaching: The Lives of Saints and other Alliterative Works by Ælfric of Eynsham - Megan Woosley (English, PhD, 2013)
Yeoman Justice: The Robin Hood Ballads and the Appropriation of Aristocratic and Clerical Justice - Anthony Butler (Romance Studies, PhD, 2012)
The Poetics of Heroism in Saint John of the Cross (working title) - Rebecca Jacobs-Pollez (History, PhD, 2012)
The Education of Noble Girls in Medieval France: Vincent of Beauvais and De eruditione filiorum nobelium - Peter Ramey (English, PhD, 2012)
The Poetics of the Medium Aesthetic Forms and Technologies of the Word in the English Middle Ages - Mark A. Singer (History, PhD, 2012)
Abiding in the Fields: Pastoral Care and Society in Late Antiquity and in Anglo-Saxon England - Sharon Emmerichs (English, PhD, 2011)
The Twice-Gated Garden: Shakespeare and the Landscape of England - Russell Goodrich (History, PhD, 2010)
Scandinavians and Settlement in the Eastern Irish Sea Region during the Viking Age - María Taub (Romance Studies, PhD, 2010)
Etica y estética: El Arauco domado de Lope de Vega (Ethics and Aesthetics: The Taming of the Araucans by Lope de Vega) - Tiffany A. Ziegler (History, PhD, 2010)
I Was Sick And You Visited Me: The Hospital of St John in Brussels and its Patrons - Ethan Gannaway (Art History & Archaeology, PhD, 2009)
Praesentia et potentia in the Cubiculum Leonis in the Catacomb of Commodilla, Rome - Damon Kraft (English, PhD, 2009)
Merchants in Late Medieval Mirrors for Princes