Undergraduate Program
Undergraduate Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Think dead languages, medieval literature, and old castles are cool? Love your Shakespeare or Art History class and interested in learning more about the Middle Ages or the Renaissance? Then explore the possibility of a MARS undergraduate minor, in which students do coursework on medieval and Renaissance topics, receiving outstanding instruction from faculty in up to eleven different academic departments. For students interested in medieval and Renaissance history, art, literatures, religion, music, languages, and culture, the MARS minor offers the possibility of furthering interests while studying more broadly towards your major. Meet others interested in the same things as you, incorporate classwork you’ve already done, and learn new things about the Middle Ages and Renaissance, all while showing prospective employers or graduate schools the depth of your study with an official minor in MARS!

- A minimum of fifteen (15) hours of approved coursework (see list below) in two different departments outside the student’s major department.
- At least nine (9) hours of the fifteen must be in courses numbered 2000 or above.
- At least three (3) hours of the fifteen must be taken in a course numbered 3000 or above.
- A minimum of nine (9) hours must be taken in residence.
- A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all courses in the minor.
- Only one course from Classics may count towards the minor
- Students may specialize in either medieval or Renaissance, but must take at least one course in both.
- Students and their advisors may petition the Chair of MARS (Prof. Megan Moore, Romance Languages) to have coursework with relevant content counted. Students may count courses toward the minor that are also used to fulfill general education requirements in the College of Arts and Science. Many upper-level courses in European languages and literatures may be used to fulfill the minor requirements.
Departments keep a list of courses approved for the MARS minor on file for advisors. For a full description of the minor, including a list of all courses currently counted toward the minor, click here.
Click here for the form you need to fill out to declare the minor.